Procurement platform
for participants
and suppliers

IncoNed alleviates the operational burdens for participants and suppliers spanning diverse sectors. We achieve this through collective buying, aiding in sales and purchasing processes, and fostering collaborations.

Our participants gain from competitive prices, reduced procurement costs, and an organized platform that presents insights from valuable data. Our suppliers reap the benefits of increased occupancy, lowered sales expenditures, and access to data insights. 

Cost savings

By merging procurement, we save costs for both participants and suppliers, as well as manufacturers. Our data-driven platform offers tools for further savings.

Relieving Burdens

Centralizing procurement takes the weight off participants, suppliers, and manufacturers. Upon request, we also handle project procurement and even the entire procurement process.

Knowledge sharing

As the Netherlands' premier collective buying consortium, we cultivate warm relations with a diverse range of companies, each holding valuable expertise.

Driving innovation

Uniting entities for knowledge sharing and fostering partnerships leads to remarkable innovations in sustainability, technology, and product development.

About IncoNed

IncoNed excels in lightening the load for participants and suppliers across diverse sectors. Over two decades ago, we initiated NiCW, the Dutch Civil Engineering Collective Buying Consortium, with the aim of consolidating procurement for affiliated participants. 
Both participants and suppliers enjoy procurement and sales advantages. 
Procurement volume
0 mln+
0 +
0 +
Procurement volume
0 mln+
0 +
0 +


Den Hartog - foto interview
Den Hartog, Energie voor vooruitgang
Denk na over CO2 besparing en hoe je dat zou willen inkleden Veel mogelijkheden zijn snel toepasbaar en budget technisch
Famostar - Richard Stroo
Famostar, specialist in noodverlichting
We voelen een grote verantwoordelijkheid om bij te dragen aan een duurzame samenleving zonder onze grote passie het bieden van
DYKA - Tim & Jade
DYKA, contractleverancier sinds jaar en dag
Met een sleutelrol binnen de GWW sector is IncoNed een gewaardeerde partner voor opdrachtgever en leverancier
Vacature Relatie- & Contractmanager Bouw
Relatie- en Contractmanager – Bouw
Vacature Teamlead
Teamlead voor een nieuw inkoopcollectief
Vacature Werkstudent Growth Strategy
Werkstudent Groeistrategie